Resources for Meeting Planners

Are you planning to have Peter as your keynote speaker for your event? Below you will find resources and recommendations to ensure your event is a success. If you have any questions at any time, please contact Caroline –

Audio / Visual Requirements

  • Wireless Lavaliere clip-on or “over the ear” microphone with fresh batteries
  • LCD projector and large screen positioned off center or rear projection
  • Audio cord to connect Peter’s computer to the event sound system
  • Table near the exit for book signing
  • 2 Bottles of water
  • Riser (2 or 3 foot) for audiences greater than 50 people

Biography / Introduction / Photos

Room Setup Suggestions / Tips

  1. Use additional light sources for presenter. Studies prove that when the presenter is illuminated more than the audience, listeners can hear better and are less distracted.
  2. Riser (2 or 3 foot) for audiences greater than 50 people. Without a riser, those sitting at the back of larger groups will struggle to see.
  3. Keep the front row as close to the riser as is possibly comfortable. This facilitates a better connection between Peter and your audience
  4. Hotels tend to set up rooms in two straight rows with a large aisle in the middle. If you have the choice, use two aisles and split the room into 3 sections. This greatly improves the energy in the room.
  5. Playing music before the program begins is a great way to increase energy in the room. Peter has a pre-program set of music he can play from his laptop.
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