Meet The van Stralens

Hi everybody – We are the van Stralen family. In 2015 we embarked on an EPIC family road trip around North America.

After 25 years in business, this was the fulfilment of a personal family goal that we had dreamed about for many years.

On the way we realized that

– Time is more precious than money,
– memories more valuable than things
– and experiencing new places, cultures, religions and people is a better education than you can get by just reading about it.

So – we did what anyone else would do – we sold our house, packed up our belongings and hit the road full time.

In life just like in business it is easier to chart a course and stick to it when you have a mission.

So we took the motto that had helped us succeed in business and we applied it to our new journey.

– Work hard
– Play hard
– Care.

We know that you won’t achieve success unless you are willing to work for it.

We are grateful for the opportunity to play and have fun together, and we cherish every moment.

But caring for others and trying to make a difference in the world is what gives our lives and our journey meaning and purpose.

We invite you to come along with us on this journey as we inspire each other to work hard, play hard, and care.

After 12 months around North America we decided to keep going, so we shipped our jeep to New Zealand. Join us as we traverse Oceania with stops in Australia, Indonesia and beyond.